Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Project

This picture of the sea in San Louis Obispo really changed my perspective on photography. After I took it, I realized the importance of capturing time. By taking this photo, I began capturing time and the memories that I had during the moment.

Photography has many elements and features that are incorporated into the whole art form. An example is shape, which is an object that takes on a recognizable appearance, such as a circle or a plane. Another element is form, which is the effect that you obtain from combining the shape, light, texture, and shadows. However, these two differ in which form adds more detail and perspective to the picture while shape is the basic element that's created. For example, in my form post, you can see the different shadows that are created with the angle I took with the photo. The shape photo showed flowers and the different angles from which you take it. If you take in consideration the light, shadow, and silhouettes that are in a photo, you'll notice that it adds a lot of depth and perspective in the photo.

Pattern and Repetition are two crucial elements in photography that work closely together to form a very structured picture. Repetition is when one repeats a certain object or form, it gives the photo more depth and strength. By repeating an element, it opens a whole new element that creates a whole artwork. Therefore, using repetition can create a great impact by adding more emotions and a greater overall emotion to the art. Pattern creates more emphasis and impact on the design by allowing the viewer to see various sizes and colors. By using a pattern, the viewer knows each time what to expect in order to observe the greater whole picture. As you can see in the photo that I linked, I showed that the same pattern was used in the building can show perspectives such as how high the building is and the size of the pattern.

Movement is the element that's constantly moving and shows motion.

As you can see in the picture, there's a white seagull that's flying in the sky.  Movement is the element of capturing motion and time. This photo best demonstrates movement because the bird is flying somewhere and it sends out a feeling that it has a purpose. The bird's wings are outstretched and its eyes are looking past its current location so it's not hard to imagine that the bird flew in order to capture fish, return home, or to fly with its flock. However. there's a sense of importance and confidence that the bird exhibits.

The picture that I took with the flower is probably my best work. I took the picture in order to capture a variety of colors and I accomplished that goal. When I was taking the photo, I was thinking about how creative I could make the picture turn out to be.However, I realized that the creativity of the project is not nearly as important as the simplicity of the photo. I really like this photo because it captures the flower's variety of colors as well as the details of the parts.  It focuses on the clearness and minute details that really emphasizes the flower as a whole. The photo was very natural and takes a holistic approach on the flower, capturing many of its essences and textures.

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