Thursday, February 26, 2015

Elements of Art: Line

temperature: 0 tint: 0 exposure: 5 contrast: +49 highlights: -15 shadows: +10 whites: -5 blacks: 0 vibrance: +23

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Look From Behind, With Feeling-Favorite Photo

 Out of the entire album, This photo is my favorite photo because of various elements. The picture shows a small bow balancing on a tightrope at circus grounds. There's a visible sky in the background as well as a circus tent and changes. Rule of thirds, diagonals, and depth of field is used to create a well rounded attention catching photo.

  The picture shows the rule of thirds; if the photo were to be divided into nine parts then the photo would be equally even divided among the main features.

  This photo uses diagonals and many different lines as shown in the photo. It is shown many boxes and shapes containing diagonals and straight edges. These lines intersect each other creating an interesting attention catching point. These points interact with each other to create perspective.

  Depth of Field is used in this photo as one can visibly tell the distance between two objects. Because the boy appears larger than the other objects such as the circus tent, you can tell from the perspective that there is a significant large distance between the two.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top 5 Photos - Empowering the Poor

1.  Chained Mali
2.  Electrencephalogram
3. Bhabi carrying water
4. Net in water
5. Nurjahan Khala

Movie Monday Photo League

1. What was The Photo League's credo?
The Photo League's credo was that the camera has a potential to change the world; it's more than a device for taking pictures.

2. What organization did The Photo League separate from?
The Photo League separated from an organization called The Film and Photo League.  This organization mainly took pictures of class conflict and labor unrest.

3. What was the workshop?
The workshop was the organization's principal focus, and it was open to anyone with a working camera and a five dollar tuition.

4. Who taught "the workshop?"
Sid Grossman taught "the workshop."

5. If you were to devote one year of your life to one project, what project is worth your time and energy?
I would devote my time and energy to capture the moments of the world's unique cultures.  Then, I would publish them to let the world see each countries's special cultures. 

6. What was The Harlem Document?
The Harlem Document was a portrait of black, urban America and the people, culture, and lifestyles of Harlem during the 1930s.

7. Who started The Harlem Document?
Aaron Siskind started the Harlem Document. 

8. A photographer discusses a photograph where "the children looked like they came out of a __________ painting. Who was the painter? 
The painter was Caravaggio. 

9. Why did the photograph mentioned in #8 look like it was by the painter? 
Caravaggio's paintings were known for having intensely dark and somber backgrounds. He also extended the action of composition beyond the picture plane and into the viewer's space. Caravaggio was known for the intense detail in his paintings. 

10. Who was Lewis Hine? (name two significant contributions)
Lewis Hine was a photographer and a sociologist.  He took pictures of child labor, which helped change child labor laws.  He also took pictures of the drought relief in the American South.

11. Who was Weegee?
Weegee is a nickname for a man called Arthur Fellig.  He was known for his stark black and white street photography.  He took photos of mostly crime, murder, and death in New York City.

12. How did The League change when The Nazis took power?
Many talented refugees escaped Europe to avoid Nazi rule.  They began to take part in The Photo League, but they were seen as "alien," which caused problems.

13. How did The League change during WWII?
The Photo League began to move away from photographing impoverished neighborhoods in New York City and also from the realist side of documentary photography. It reduced the number of photographs that were taken of class and the daily struggles of workers. 

14. How did Siskind change after WWII?
He turned away from the social and political world after WWII.  Instead, he looked inward to seek meaning in the many insentient forms that he observed around him.

15. What was the Saturday Evening post?
The Saturday Evening post was a magazine that was first published twice per month.  In then started publishing weekly in 1897-1963, and then biweekly until 1969. 

16. Who was Barbara Morgan? What did she photograph?
Barbara Morgan was a photographer that mainly took pictures of modern dancers.  She was the co-founder of the photography magazine Aperture.

17. What eventually undermined the Photo League?
Many of the members of the Photo League were strong believers in progressive social and political causes. However, The FBI accused this of being communist and "subversive and anti-American". The Photo League was placed on the U.S. Department of Justice blacklist by Attorney General Tom C. Clark.

18. What was the "Growing Menace" mentioned in the film?
The "growing menace" refers to fascism in Europe and of Japanese imperialist conquest in Asia. 

19. Who agreed to serve as President when The League was under investigation?
W. Eugene Smith agreed to serve President when The League was under investigation.

20. What happened to the league?
In May 1949, FBI informer Angela Calomiris testified that the Photo League was an organization that supported the Communist Party. Recruitment slowed down and many old members left. The League disbanded in 1951.

MultimediaFest Poster #2

This picture is great because it portrays the main information in bold. In this picture 
there are many elements that cause the picture to stand out. 
Many times posters don't look appealing enough or portray the right type of feeling.
However this poster portrayed the details just right, focusing just on the main details of the poster, such as the place and time. 

This picture is better than the first because there is ,much more color and variety.
We added more pictures to capture attention and incorporated all the colors that make a 
nice blend of the photos. We used a significant amount of layers in this poster which
allowed the respective pictures to pop out.

First, we thought of the color scheme we wanted to use. We did not want to leave the background just white. Then, we found a font we liked that fit our theme. Then, we went and took some photos for us to put on our poster to show photography. Once we got all our pictures and information we need to put, we began making individual layers while editing the photos in Camera Raw. We then continued to dabble around with our poster, editing it to our group's liking.